Servant Opportunities
Sharing your time and your talents are very much appreciated at Mellingers.
There are many volunteer servant opportunities available throughout the church.

Do you have time that you want to use in assisting others?
Listed below are ways you may be helping hand in the ministry at Mellinger's.
Church Council
Lowell Yost contact: 717-314-3149
Monthly meetings are held at the church and members are elected by the congregation. Helping Hands oversee the Ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and God's house of worship.
Altar Guild
Kimberley Craven contact: 717-519-9882
Meet as needed. Helping Hands maintain the Chancel area of God's house of worship.
Youth Group
Paul & Kristi Leonhard contact: 717-940-7535
Helping Hands meet on a regular basis, usually Sunday evenings. Lead the youth in spiritual growth, service, and fellowship.
Worship & Music
Nancy Hain contact: 717-336-6270
Helping Hands meet as needed to plan worship schedule and music with the Pastor and Director of Music.
Personnel Committee
Nancy Eberly contact: 717-945-2895
Meet as needed at the church. Helping Hands serves as the Human Resources group as requested by the Church Council.
Finance Committee
Nancy Eberly contact: 717-945-2895
Meet as needed at the church. Helping Hands studies all the fiscal activity of Mellinger's congregation.
Special Flowers
Pat Haller contact: 717-368-4975
Meet as needed. Helping Hands coordinate the special service days floral displays in worship.
Wedding Coordinator
Brittany Hartlove contact: 717-715-3127
Meet as needed. Helping Hands coordinate wedding arrangements with bridal party and the church facilities.
Scripture Readers
Anita Soto contact: 717-419-5520
Meet as needed. Helping Hands schedule scripture readers for all scheduled services.
Greeter Coordinator
Fay Weitzel contact: 717-336-2124
Meet as needed. Helping Hands schedule greeters for all scheduled worship services.
Coffee Social
Kristi Leonhard contact 717-940-7535
Weekly event. Helping Hands provides set up, serve, clean-up, for social fellowship after Worship services.
Property and Grounds Committee
Andy Leonhard contact: 717-336-8800
Meet as needed. Helping Hands manage the building and grounds.
Lawn Care
Pat Jeffers contact: 717-278-5003
Helpings Hands maintain the lawn and equipment.
Randy Brubaker contact: 717-733-9222
Meet as needed at the church. Helping Hands organize, maintain, and assist those who prefer to present special gifts.
Christian Education
Diane Adair contact: 717-715-3124
Meet as needed. Helping Hands formulate and oversee, christian education for the children and adults of the families at Mellingers.
Social Ministry
Shirley Sweigart contact: 717-538-1946
Meet on the 1st Monday of each month. At 6:30 p.m. 8 months of the year at the church. Helping hands perform semiannual shut in visits, serve luncheon after funeral's, serve congregational meals at Spring Fling, Christmas, and other special events that may arise through the year.
Discipleship In Life
Robert Getz contact: 717-925-4938
Meet as needed after church services at 10:30 a.m. in the church.
Helping Hands participate with items on yearly agenda: Stewardship, evangelism, Goat ministry, Great Eight (Lenten Discipline), Continual evaluation of our hands relative to the Great Commission.
The Garden at Mellingers
As of November 2024, we are in the process of finding a Head of this committee. If you are insterested please contact the Church office.
Meet as needed at the garden during the summer growing season. Helping Hands plant, cultivate, and harvest vegetables to transport to E.A.S.S. in Ephrata and Peter's Porch at Faith United Lutheran Church in Denver. God's bounty is given to those who are challenged with food shortage.